Little Sand

Little Sand, runs through your toes and massage your sole...

Before going to Bali, I was intrigued about the so called "Secret beach" labeled by many Para gliders who had flown over it, because the access to this beach is so obscured within huge quarry, very few tourist knew this place. The locals call it the "Pandawa beach".

In mid May 2014, A friend wanted to para-glide there, I wanted to take photo, we put our heads together and made the trip happen.




We traveled for some time deep into the quarry, high stone walls lined both sides of the road.

Soon we were able to make out the coast at the end of the road opening.
A para-glider at the top right was also spotted.

Why there were many vehicles plying along the road remain a mystery to me, shouldn’t it be a lesser known secret place?


The moment we were out of the quarry walls, we were on a 6 or 7 stories high cliff looking out to the open sea, and it looks like there’s a bus terminal down there.


Following the road, everyone make their way downhill, and we see more cars and tour buses yet.


So there was no secrets…

Verdict was, Secret beach wasn't secret at all, there were drinks and food stalls, tourist and locals, Shops and big car park for streams of cars and tour buses, the beach is crowded!! it should be called "Secret crowded beach". 
Nonetheless, it didn't disappoint me as being such a beautiful beach with fine sand.


Little Sand

Little Sand was taken on this Bali Secret Beach.
The soft sand was finer than any beach sand I’d ever experience strolling on.

In this shot, The foggy backdrop is not mist, but water vapor of the rock clashing waves, hovering along side the faraway cliffs.
I was waiting for the 3 girls to walk closer... when just about to fully pressed the shutter, the cowboy walked right in, he make my picture.